2021 United Healthcare Certification Module Slides

Use the downloaded PDF guides to answer your questions about United Healthcare's rules, compliance, and procedures.  

REMINDER: UHC does not require AHIP - but will accept it and it will knock of the main MAPD, PDP & Supplement module.

Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Aid

LEAN (EApp) User Guide

Medicare Basics: MAPD, PDP, Supplement

Ethics & Compliance


Medicare Made Clear




Now Available in Learning Lab! Certify to Sell 2021 UnitedHealthcare Products

Starting Monday, June 29, you can certify to sell 2021 UnitedHealthcare® Medicare Solutions products.


What you need to know:

  • NEW! Access 2021 UnitedHealthcare Certifications in our new learning management system called Learning Lab for simplified use, clearer assignments and easier tracking.
  • NEW! All Certification modules and assessments are available in both English and Spanish.
  • Passing the prerequisite tests (Medicare Basics Test, Ethics and Compliance Test, and AARP Course) certifies you to sell Medicare Advantage* (MA), Prescription Drug and AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance plans from UnitedHealthcare!
  • To sell Chronic or Dual Special Needs Plans (DSNP), take the Chronic/Dual SNP module and test after you have passed all your prerequisite tests.
  • Don’t forget to take 2021 Events Basics if you plan to conduct in-person or virtual events!


How to take certifications

  • Certification modules and tests are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on Jarvis>Knowledge Center>Learning Lab
  • You will have six attempts to complete an assessment with a minimum passing score of 85 percent.
  • Answer a question correctly and you’ll move immediately to the next question; answer a question incorrectly and you’ll receive feedback that it was wrong and then you will move to the next question.


UnitedHealthcare will once again accept AHIP’s Medicare + Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training, which satisfies the requirement for the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions Certification module, Medicare Basics Test (including Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug and Medicare Supplement Plans). If you wish to receive the $50 discount on AHIP from UnitedHealthcare, you must access the AHIP/UHG co-branded website via the link provided in Learning Lab. Important! AHIP/UHG co-branded link will go live on June 29.


For more information, refer to the 2021 Certification User Guide, which will be available via Jarvis on June 29. Thank you for being a partner in care to our members.


*MA means non-Special Needs Plans (SNP). UnitedHealthcare Chronic and Dual SNPs are offered as separate certifications.

For SFG Agent use only. Not for public use.

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